Why Clean?

Does cleaning Solar Panels help?

Does cleaning Solar Panels help?

Let’s discuss in detail the benefits and main reasons why we emphasize cleaning and maintaining your Solar panels.

Let’s discuss in detail the benefits and main reasons why we emphasize cleaning and maintaining your Solar panels.

Maximizing Energy Production

Solar panels generate electricity by converting sunlight into usable energy. However, when dust, dirt, or debris accumulate on the surface of the panels, it obstructs the sunlight from reaching the photovoltaic cells, reducing their efficiency. Regular cleaning ensures maximum exposure to sunlight, resulting in optimal energy production and higher electricity generation.

Overcoming Pollution Challenges

Pakistan is known for its arid climate and high levels of dust and air pollution. These environmental factors pose significant challenges to solar panels, as dust particles settle on their surfaces, impeding the sun’s rays. By regularly cleaning the panels, especially in dusty areas,  dust and pollutants can be minimized, ensuring consistent energy production.

Prolonging Panel Lifespan

Solar panels are long-term investments, typically designed to last for several decades. However, neglecting their maintenance can lead to premature degradation and a shortened lifespan. Dust and debris can create hotspots on panels, causing potential damage to the cells and reducing their overall performance. Regular cleaning helps prevent these issues, extending the panels’ lifespan and maximizing the return on investment.

Improving Return On Investment

Solar energy systems are substantial investments for individuals and businesses alike. By ensuring proper panel cleaning and maintenance, owners can optimize their system’s performance, resulting in increased energy production. This translates into higher savings on electricity bills and a quicker return on investment.

Maximizing Energy Production

Solar panels generate electricity by converting sunlight into usable energy. However, when dust, dirt, or debris accumulate on the surface of the panels, it obstructs the sunlight from reaching the photovoltaic cells, reducing their efficiency. Regular cleaning ensures maximum exposure to sunlight, resulting in optimal energy production and higher electricity generation.

Overcoming Pollution Challenges

Pakistan is known for its arid climate and high levels of dust and air pollution. These environmental factors pose significant challenges to solar panels, as dust particles settle on their surfaces, impeding the sun’s rays. By regularly cleaning the panels, especially in dusty areas,  dust and pollutants can be minimized, ensuring consistent energy production.

Prolonging Panel Lifespan

Solar panels are long-term investments, typically designed to last for several decades. However, neglecting their maintenance can lead to premature degradation and a shortened lifespan. Dust and debris can create hotspots on panels, causing potential damage to the cells and reducing their overall performance. Regular cleaning helps prevent these issues, extending the panels’ lifespan and maximizing the return on investment.

Improving Return On Investment

Solar energy systems are substantial investments for individuals and businesses alike. By ensuring proper panel cleaning and maintenance, owners can optimize their system’s performance, resulting in increased energy production. This translates into higher savings on electricity bills and a quicker return on investment.

Some FAQs

Some FAQs

While rainwater can remove some of the grime that collects on panels over time, it can also cause dirt to accumulate at the bottom of the panels, and it isn’t sufficient to remove heavy pollution.

Use non-heated, potable water with normal water pressure, over-the-counter glass cleaner or a 3% soap-and-water solution. Pressurized water up to 1500 psi may be used when necessary. AVOID hard, or mineral rich, water. It can damage panels over time.

Soaps can leave a film or residue that not only shades panels like the dirt that was just washed off, but it can also encourage dirt to stick and build up faster.

They can slowly develop organic growth like moss, mold, mildew, algae, and lichen. Organic growth on your solar panels can reduce power outputs and create hot spots.

Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic or PV panels, are made to last more than 25 years. In fact, many solar panels installed as early as the 1980s are still working at expected capacity. Not only are solar panels remarkably reliable, solar panel longevity has increased dramatically over the last 20 years.

Three Common Ways Solar Panels Can Be Damaged:

Twigs, Leaves and Dirt: Debris can scratch your solar panels and lower the amount of energy produced.

Hail Storms: Bad weather is damaging to all roofs, and hailstorms are no exception.

Water Damage: Your solar panels are sealed just like your windows.

If the voltage on the solar panel reads less than 17 V when the panel is in full sun, the solar panel needs to be replaced.

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